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The system represents the positioning of players on the field at a given point in time conditioned by the requirements and tactics of the opposing team. Changes in the system have been most influenced by changes in the rules of the game of soccer, as well as by enhancement and development of physical-technical predispositions. During the course of a single game several different system positioning of players will be used. The criterion for quality of any system is reflected in the success of the ultimate results the team achieves. All tactics are conditioned by the quality performance of technique and good physical preparedness, which in modern soccer has become the primary prerequisite for establishing the ultimate target purpose in soccer, which is – victory. In addition to system positioning, the development of play in a game largely depends on its rhythm, responsibilities and roles of the players on the field, the space, and the quality of the players and their successful execution of requirements.

From the very beginning children should be accustomed to responsibilities and requirements placed before them by the game of soccer. Faultless execution of the tactical requirements of the trainer largely depends on the intellectual capacities of the players, their adaptability, quick reaction, capacity of preventing the opponent from realizing his intentions, etc.

In soccer by tactics we mean the thought out and planned action of an individual or team for the purpose of creating good (favorable) preconditions during the course of competition in order to gain an advantage that will permit the quality of an individual or the team to be fully expressed, while preventing the quality of the opponent from being fully expressed.