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Team Creation

The process of team creation, which comprises a large number of psychosocial factors, is achieved during the course of training, enhancing, and to the end of soccer outplaying. Trainers most often carry out a good part of the team creation themselves but it is desirable that experts help them in this on occasion from other scientific fields, especially psychology. That is why it was necessary to state earlier that the trainer must have basic knowledge and skills in other scientific fields as well.

We will begin from the supposition that creating a soccer team is something done primarily through different kinds of training, through the processes of playing with the ball and outplaying in which the trainer himself is forced to take part. In either process surprises and unexpected complications in the situation can occur. Since we know the cause and field where the mistake originates, its timely correction is expected.

During interpretation and demonstration of training material it is important that the trainer exercises great care that stage demonstrations are intended solely for players. This is also a basic characteristic of internal team communications. A similar procedure is used when scolding, a raised voice and even abuse of one’s position are unavoidable. None of this should go outside the immediate team framework. A high level of communication means a larger number of special ways of communicating within the team with specific expressions.

They are so specific that they are incomprehensible to the broader environment. They are usually expressed under specific conditions when one wants to leave an impression, impose belonging or hide one’s own weakness. We call such signals the team code. The essence is that the code at a given moment becomes a joint signal. It is necessary to wait for a real situation for a specific signal to be or to prepare it in advance.

Communication among players is conditioned upon numerous factors. First of all, upon knowing the participants in communication, their creativity, in a word, by intellectual domination capable of overcoming all obstacles, misunderstandings and intolerances. This is the cornerstone not just for coding but also for team outplaying as a whole.